quote silver The BIGGEST Little DMS on the Market
NextStepDMS™ Silver:
Introduces a fully customizable Point of Sale module for instant estimates, work orders and invoices, customizable reports, instant profit information and complete customer histories.

With the integration of the Point of Sale Module, you've got complete information at your fingertips to master any sales situation. Wondering how much of a markup you can squeeze out of a part? Let the Profit Center show you. Need to issue a series of work orders, purchase orders and an invoice on the spot? You're covered with the Silver edition of our award-winning software.

Point of Sale
This module is intended to provide users with all the information necessary for effective management, including:


Upgrade to NextStepDMS™ Silver
With Point of Sale module

• Create estimates, work/repair orders and invoices
• Develop reports and track customer history, unit history and sales
• Record receipts and deposits
• Customer mailing labels
• Change item pricing as desired for selected customers

To order NextStepDMS™
Silver, click here!